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  这里有许多猎物,他可以整天,甚至整个星期在外打猎,从不会空手而归。在yi座小山上,他们还有yi块属于自己de土地,周围有绿油油de田地和茂密de灌木丛,只是离河边远了yi些,孩子们得花上yi刻钟de时间才能挑yi趟水回来。这个时候,年满八岁de boy得搬到顶楼上睡了。父亲在木头墙壁上给他钉上了小木棍,每天晚上,他都得踩着它们爬上床睡觉,可他yi点也不觉得麻烦,反倒觉得新鲜有趣。只是顶楼上漆黑yi片,看不到炉火,更没有窗户带进来晨曦;尽管丝丝de凉风还是能从墙缝里透进来,冷飕飕de,但是由于屋顶很低,木头之间粘合得也很好,透不下雨水,所以冬天在上面睡觉还是挺舒服de。只是到了夏天,上面就会透不过气来,闷热得受不了。

boy de周围发生了很大变化,他de外祖父外祖母也迁到了印第安纳,他们也姓斯拜罗。跟他们yi起来de还有他们de养子,丹尼斯。汉克斯,他年仅十八岁。对于小亚伯拉罕来说,这几个人都和善可亲,很容易接近。

  在这个地方,人们必须得团结yi致拧成yi股绳才能生存下去,因为这儿还只是yi片荒野,野兽经常出没,大人们说,他们de yi个朋友就是被熊咬死de。boy家de小屋门口总是燃着yi堆火,既为了驱赶野兽,也为了净化周围de空气,要知道凋围弥漫着浓浓de沼气,而空气中沼气含量过高,对人畜de健康都会造成伤害。此外,孩子们还必须吃草药防疟疾,难闻de草药汤影响了人们,特别是孩子们de好心情,甚至还引起了他们对草原de恐惧,这种恐惧使他们更愿意到森林中,开垦土地,种植玉米和其它作物。干这些活时,孩子们,尤其是这个壮实de boy也得帮忙。他春天帮着播种,秋天帮着收割,而后还要用斧头背儿在空de树墩里给谷子去糠;平时,他还得帮妈妈喂猪、挤牛奶、劈柴。挑水。生活就这样周而复始。yi天天,yi年年,时间很快地溜走了。冬天de漫漫寒夜,全家大都是蹲坐在火炉旁边度过de。有时,邻居们也会过来作客。大家yi边喝酒,yi边抽烟,或者吸鼻烟,就连女人们也如此,人们还会彼此讲yi些恐怖故事。总之,日子过得还算有滋有味。

  然而,当秋色染红了八月de印第安纳,,在旷野上放养de牛群却不知是误食了什么东西,还是不习惯这里de潮湿环境,突然发起病来。很快,周围所有de牲畜都被传染了,马匹倒下了,绵羊倒下了,牛奶不得不全部倒掉,最后,灾难也降临到了人们身上。他们也被传染了,呻吟着躺靠在装满树叶de袋子上,住在离这里三十五英里deyi位医生成了他们能够找到de惟yi救星。每次他来给病人看病,都会忙得不可开交,尽管如此情况也丝毫没有好转,焦虑与绝望折磨着每yi个人。boy de父亲满目凄凉,已经无心过问其它事情了。至于留在家里做饭,照管孩子,喂养牲畜,磨斧子,晒柴火,缝兽皮等等,这些活无疑都落在了母亲yi人身上。终于,她累倒了,长久以来积聚de辛劳仿佛yi下子都爆发了出来,她de病情逐渐恶化。

  死神夺走了几个邻居de性命,也带走了boy de外祖父,外祖母,现在它又来到了母亲de身边。她yi直营养不良,骨瘦如柴,又缺乏生存de信心,因此yi得上肺结核这致命de病,身体就迅速垮掉了。不满十岁de boy,站在沉默,苍白de母亲面前无能为力。他静静地看着平时十分坚强de父亲,看着泪水打湿了他蓬乱de胡须。开始,boy de心里只是充满了yi种恐惧和新鲜混搅在yi起de复杂感觉,“死亡”de含意他并不清楚。

  自从第yi位邻居死后,父亲就开始叮叮当当地做棺材了。钉棺材de声音让所有de人:病人和健康人都感到刺耳和心酸。而年幼de boy对此却浑然不觉。


  然而,当母亲人了殓,下了葬,大家回到家,看到母亲de床上空荡荡de时候,boy de心才突然被yi种巨大de孤独感攫住。这时他感觉自己好像yi点都不喜欢父亲,他想起了父亲说过de粗话,想起了他de大巴掌,直到这会儿他才醒悟到,自己所有美好de生活经历都来自亲爱de妈妈:妈妈从未打过他,而且总是为他辛勤地操劳着;每当妈妈伤心de时候,她总是抬起头来凝视着这个跟她越长越像de boy,这时,便会有yi种从未倾吐de亲切和融洽de感觉在boy de心头索绕。对于林肯,这种感觉整整yi生都无法摆脱。在对母亲de回忆中,沉默寡言de他对于那些失去de和可望而不可即de事物de渴望更加强烈,较之于以前,他显得更忧郁了。

yi年以后de yi天,父亲要出远门,他要进城去,说是不会很快回来。听说他要给孩子们带回来yi个新妈妈,这可能是他亲口说de,也可能是表兄从别人那里偷听来de。总之,听了这消息,boy在整整两周里都颇为不安,作为yi个十yi岁de头脑聪明de孩子,对继母们de凶恶,他早有耳闻。终于在十二月deyi个傍晚,父亲突然回来了,他驾着马车,带着几个人从肯塔基州回到了西部de这片土地上,车上每个人都容光焕发,而且那辆马车也棒极了。但两个孩子de心里却惴惴不安:继母待人怎么样?他们正揣摩时,yi个高大挺拔,面色红润而又活泼开朗de女人走下车来,boy和姐姐扒在门前de栅栏上张望着,那女人yi头卷发,举止端庄。她身后de车里还有几个小孩在不好意思地眨着眼睛。当然,最难为情de要属他们de这位父亲了。















































Family financial management in the 10 to the attention of the local

One, the issue of money when there are differences, it is necessary to realistically frank and good discussion and to hold in their hearts discontent, the consequences could be disastrous.

Two is the debt all together and see how many total, and then to develop ways to repay.

Three, solutions to common account or accounts of the issue of independence. As long as a consensus to choose what kind of account can be husband and wife can also open the third combined the two accounts to cover family expenses.

Four, the parties responsible for payment of specified accounts, bookkeeping, dealing with investment matters.

Five, we must clear the whereabouts of their money, even if your family is the arithmetic master, you must take the initiative to look to find out from the income and expenditure accounts.

Six is a little of your spouse or "carelessness" and not nagging, the two sides autonomy should have the freedom of disposable income.

The purchase of seven former valuables discuss with family members.

Eight is not the spouse in front of others to criticize the way the money.

Nine children and asked what to buy when the position of husband and wife to be consistent so as not to spoil the child.

Ten is often discussed in the objectives of the two best in the absence of selection pressure on financial issues to discuss when.

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Investment trust products that need to pay attention to several aspects

First, for optimization of the Trust. Although, after rectifying and standardizing the trust industry, the risk of significantly lower, but still concerned about their risk, especially in the classification management background, choice of quality is particularly important to the Trust, which is more robust to the investors trust products . Select the main reference for the Trust as follows: a trust company's financial indicators, including the registered capital, net assets, trust assets, net profit, etc.; the context of the major shareholder of a trust company, as the major shareholder of the private state-owned, state-owned shares as of the state-owned holding of.

Second, the higher the threshold of the trust fund products, poor mobility. The release of the product as a result of the trust can not exceed 200 limit, the higher the threshold of trust funds products, many of the threshold of the trust funds are products of 10 million yuan, and some even 100 million. Therefore, the trust products to investors for more funds.

Third, trust in the design, the use of trust property, management practices, as well as the risk of the trust property and security. Projects for the trust, the trust property the way the elements and other products, investors should also have a more detailed understanding of the key lies in understanding the risk factors and Trust Company as trustee of these risk factors control.
In view of this, investors should be based on their risk tolerance, liquidity preference and investment preferences and risk in the income between the grasp the scale, select the appropriate period, the appropriate degree of risk and liquidity products.

How can management do not blindly

More than the pursuit of financial management and the whole way, I would like to do everywhere, resulting in a decentralized capital, the end pieces which did not do a good job. Mr. Wang is the Chengdu in charge of a foreign business, the work of four years, the hands of small savings and investment is the desire; the only savings of 80,000 yuan, 25,000 yuan for the shares, with 05,000 yuan to stamp collectors, coin collectors to 10,000 yuan, 20,000 yuan for the purchase of the Fund. Recently, I heard the introduction of foreign currency bank and wealth management business, Mr. Wang has been the heart and ready to make trouble, then why not do it earning dollars? Mr. Wang's investment philosophy: eggs not in one basket, multi-try a variety of financial products in order to spread the investment risks. The so-called "Oriental Western light does not shine," one can always make money - this is a lot of people believe in the current financial management. But one year down, Mr. Wang, but it falls short of the investment performance, the stock market losses, the money did not have to move products, only make money open-end funds, but also to buy less. Mr. Wang has been that the risk is not spread it? Or how the investment fails, the proceeds might as well keep the bank?


Economic crisis of identity did not fall under the price of the three tips

First of all, the price does not take a sudden manner, but in the lower price before the first warm-up.
In order to increase the brand image of the inclusion of low-priced, brand image to avoid all of a sudden, great changes have taken place and unacceptable to consumers. Starbucks consumers from the past to break some stereotypes start brand. For example, the U.S. consumer is generally believed that Starbucks sold only high-end products, that is, sold more than 4 U.S. dollars per cup of coffee. In view of this situation, the guidance of the various branches of Starbucks on the coffee brewing division, told the guests take the initiative, the shop is actually an average price of drinks three U.S. dollars, and 90% of the drink prices are the following four U.S. dollars. In this way, when Starbucks launched low-priced consumer products will not be a surprise!

Secondly, through the introduction of new low-priced products to drive down prices, rather than the direct price of the original product.
According to the survey, the deterioration in economic circumstances, the enterprise if the price, 70% of the consumers that the brand will usually too high a price; 62% of consumers feel that the price of the product is about to expire or the backlog of. No price for the brand, 64% of consumers think that products must be very popular; the same 64% of consumers think that products have a very good value.
This tells us, if the direct price, unless it is to deal with inventory, or else consumers will doubt the value of products, which will inevitably affect the consumer's impression of the brand. Motorola V3 mobile phone fast early to spend a lot of price let consumers buy high-priced hurt deeply. The Starbucks is to avoid this situation, it is through the three states in the United States were 50 customers on track to record them at home and the details of the restaurant to eat breakfast, 3.95 U.S. dollars to develop a preferential Breakfast, consumers 1.2 U.S. dollars than the original savings.

Third, as far as possible to maintain the inherent consumers, follow them to change, rather than easy access to other market segments.
Brand enterprises fundamentally depends on the enterprises in which a group of consumers for services, when the enterprises to enter new market segments, they often mean an increase of new customers, which will enable customers to believe that his or is not the object of business services, corporate brand image and thus be blurred.
Therefore, in the case of financial crisis, Starbucks consumers through existing research, identify one of the most vulnerable to the impact of financial crisis, a change in consumer behavior and customer base. For example, Starbucks found that price-sensitive are only occasionally to a Starbucks consumer, the impact of the financial crisis, they may remove these consumer. Therefore, the Starbucks on the adoption of new low-priced products, as well as members of a discount the way to reduce consumer costs, and thus retain them as much as possible.


Standard & Poor's index plunged 1.37%

U.S. stocks opened lower today after all the way down, after both fell below -1%. The three major indexes closed slightly before the rebound, as of the close, the three major stock indexes mixed decline. Which Standard & Poor's index plunged 1.37 percent led by the three major indexes.

May ISM services sector index to 44.0, slightly lower than market expectations of 45.0, but better than the 43.7 percent in April. Although the index still shows that services in the shrinking, but the speed of contraction has slowed down for three consecutive months.

April factory orders increased 0.7 percent, an increase of 0.9 percent below expectations.

The latest data show that the job market remains weak, but also signs of a turn for the better. ADP employment report showed the number of unemployed in May to reach 532,000 people, only a little higher than expected.

As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 65.63 points to 8,675.24 points, or 0.75 percent, the Nasdaq composite index fell 10.88 points to 1,825.92 points, or 0.59 percent, the Standard & Poor's 500 Index dropped 12.98 points , to 931.76 points, or 1.37 percent.

Released yesterday by signing into house sales index push Tuesday S & P 500 closed at an important technical significance of the 200-day MA above.

Credit Suisse will be the end of the stock market strategist at S & P 500 target is expected to remain at 920 points value, but that is no longer the stock holdings, saying the recent significant increases in bond yields have reduced the investment value of the stock market.

Credit Suisse strategist, said bond yields rise on part of the economic recovery resulted in a threat to mortgage rates by 10 basis points each, down 1% on the price. They said that the reason why the bond market good investment because they believe the market value of investment has already begun.

10-year bond yields fell 4 basis points at 3.57 percent; the beginning of this year, slightly higher than the 2 percent rate of return. Bond yields and prices were the reverse movement.

Published today in overseas countries generally positive economic data, the Australian reported that the rate of economic growth than expected; the United Kingdom reported that service sector activity for 13 months the first time since expansion.

The U.S. dollar against both the yen and the euro exchange rate rose.

Toll Brothers (TOL) and Hovnanian Enterprises (HOV) are two real estate builders reported quarterly losses suffered. Toll loss of 83.2 million U.S. dollars company, Hovnanian loss 118.6 million U.S. dollars.

Aetna (AET) shares fell 9 percent, after the insurance company announced a lowered earnings in 2009.

Mining equipment maker Joy Global (JOYG) was up 6% pre-set, after the company announced that profit grew 67 percent year-on-year.

Overseas stock market Wednesday. Asian stock markets generally higher, China's stock market closed at a new high of 10 months; by promoting positive economic data, the Australian stock market rose 1.6%.

European stock markets in commodity futures and banking plate manufacturers plate performance, the pan-European Dow Jones Stoxx 600 Index fell 1.1%.


TARP to repay the financing help U.S. financial institutions

Federal Reserve Monday (June 1) that the 19 has just been completed for the pressure of the big banks to test the new requirements for these banks from the United States prior to the return of non-performing assets of the Ministry of Finance to obtain relief program (TARP) loan, you must first prove that their ability to issue additional common stock through a public fund-raising, and adequate capital adequacy ratio, and a number of conditions be approved.
The impact of this new requirement, two passed before the pressure test, was that there was no financing needs of financial institutions, announced that it would issue new shares immediately. The two institutions, including JPMorgan Chase Bank (hereinafter referred to JP Morgan Chase) and the United States credit card giant American Express Company (American Express).
This shows that the U.S. government for the United States for an early resumption of banking institutions can "free" will be the implementation of stringent requirements.
JP Morgan Chase announced that June 1, will be issued to a total value of five billion U.S. dollars of new shares, the United States is expected to be time to start June 2 pricing. JP Morgan before the end of June in the hope that the U.S. Treasury to pay off 25 billion U.S. dollars to repay the TARP, to restore not subject to government intervention in his capacity as an independent bank.
American Express also announced on the same day, will issue a total of 500 million U.S. dollars of new shares, 3.4 billion U.S. dollars for the return of the borrower of the TARP. Since then, Morgan Stanley on June 2 also announced the public offering of ordinary shares of 2.2 billion U.S. dollars.


How the selection of index funds

"Over" the need to
Sub-fund the cost of a one-time costs and continuing costs. Including the cost of continuing the Fund's management fees and custodian fees. 8 funds, Bo, when the cost of continuing the rich the highest, 1.18%; Cathay Pacific in Shanghai and Shenzhen CSI 300 and 300 sustained Jiashi the lowest cost, only 0.6%. Since the performance difference is very small, therefore the cost of investors in the rate of "over" is still very necessary. If as a long-term investment, the cost of continuity between the nuances that may ultimately lead to significant differences in income.
In addition to costs, the Fund's investments also include a one-time costs. Such as the adoption of open-end funds invest in a one-time costs including the purchase fee and redemption fee. 8 largest fund redemption rates were 0.5%, while the maximum application rates are 1.2% and 1.5% respectively.
Excellent back-end charges
8 funds, the South Shanghai and Shenzhen 300, 300 in Shanghai and Shenzhen Dacheng charges in addition to front-end also provides back-end charging systems. Front-end means that the application fee must be paid on application fees, application fees and the cost of back-end only when the payment of the redemption fund.
There are two major advantages of back-end charges: first, application rates will be held by the Fund with reduced growth time. Back-end funds holding more than a certain period of time fee, purchase costs can be completely exempt. Held by the Fund in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 South for more than 5 years, 300 in Shanghai and Shenzhen Dacheng hold more than 3 years did not have the back-end fees; Second, if the asset value, even in the case of the same rate the back-end fees can also increase the revenue due to the purchase cost of fees and charges in the case of back-end can still generate revenue.
However, both cases the back-end fees without advantage: time is too short to hold, purchase, the number of large funds.
For long-term investors, the preferred choice of management fees and custodian fees lower the Fund; in investment, the direct comparison of sites and fund the purchase of the rate banks; in the same conditions, the choice of back-end fund fees.


How to choose a mortgage to save money

1. To avoid fixed-rate mortgage
Era has come to cut interest rates, the new process can choose a floating interest rate mortgages have a fixed loan for the buyers choose to switch to loans, deposit and loan interest rates can be reduced to solve the negative effects.
Recently, some banks have fixed interest rates for mortgages, and the duration of fixed-rate loans more than 1 year in the customers, to pay certain liquidated damages in the circumstances, may apply to do floating-rate mortgages. Fixed-rate loan in 5 years or more, are exempt from penalty.

2. The interest rate curve, start early repayment subtraction
For the next few years, the possibility exists to continue to cut interest rates, it is recommended to prepare ahead of time to slow down the pace of repayment of the women, if there is sufficient cash on hand to repay in advance, then might as well do something else more worthwhile investment, in many cases, "To search for more than 5% rate of return of investment channels is not too difficult." Do not see the news as soon cut interest rates to judge, we should wait before making a decision after a period of time.
Even in the era of interest rate increase from the fiscal point of view, also not in favor of "family home" for business loan repayment ahead of schedule because of family assets have a certain debt ratio will increase the liquidity of assets and value-added.